Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Say Cheese and Die! book written by:R.l Stine, Report by Allen Ashe

Say Cheese and Die!

Book written by: R.L. Stine, Report by Allen Ashe

The four main characters Greg, Shari, Michael, and Bird were talking about what to do and how bored they were on the baseball field.They thought about what to do, Shari said” Let’s just talk about how bored we are.” None of them agreed. Then Bird said, “Let’s go to the Coffman house!” Greg got a shiver up his spine. Greg said” We shouldn’t go in there. Spidey lives there!” Spidey was a homeless man who lived in the deserted Coffman house. “So what! You don’t know that Spidey is even there right now! Let’s go!”, and with that, Shari lead the way to the Coffman house.

When the four of them got there, they all made sure that Spidey was not at the house “Spidey is not here” Michael said. Now that the four friends knew they were safe they started to explore.”It’s really dark in here. “Greg said,But he knew why. The windows were blocked by the blinds.Suddently Michael said” Where is Bird!?” Then they allstart looking for him. Then, they here “Help!! Help!! It’s got me!!” They went running down to the basement to see what was going on. Then they see Bird, perfectly fine, sitting on a couch. They were all really mad at him, but bird was laughing really hard.Then, Greg finds a camera in a secret compartment in a furnace.he ta out takes the camera and examines it. He goes back to his friends to show them what he had found. He said “Hey guys!! Look what I found!” And they all look at it in a strange way.Then Michael says “take my picture Greg” Greg put the camera to his eye, and took the picture. As soon as the picture was taken, Michael fell on the ground, holding his ankle. Then the picture came out. The picture showed Michael falling, holding his ankle. Michael confessed that he didn’t fall while the picture was taken. Then they heard footsteps, “Spidey’s back” Bird said. They all crept over to the exit. But it was too late, Spidey had reached the exit before them. Spidey was walking down the stairs towards them, he reached his hand out too Greg, Greg dodged him and they ran up the stairs and out of the house. When Greg went home he thought that the camera was broken for sure. When he go home he saw that his mom bought a He shook his head and went into his house. When he got to his room Greg knew exactly where to put it. He had a secret compartment in his cabinet. Then, his dad told him” Let’s go on a ride in our new car!’’, and off they went.
 When they were driving his dad kept on telling him to’’ Test out the seatbelt” or “ see if the back seat can recline” and kept on asking until Greg said” Don’t hit the truck!!!’’ Then his dad swerved back into his lane and turned around for home. The next day Greg, Shari, Michael, and Bird walked to school. They talked about their experience at the Coffman house. After school the for friends went to Shari’s house for her birthday party. Shari deboned Greg into bringing the camera and he refused, but after all, it was Shari’s birthday. When he got the camera he took Shari’s picture, and the picture came out. Greg and Shari huddled over the picture. It showed everything but Shari. Greg took another one, it looked the same. Then it was time to go back inside to eat cake and sing happy birthday When they all came in. Shari wasn’t there. Bird went to go get her, but couldn’t find her. When he got home he ripped the two pictures in half. Then he took a nap for two hours. He got woke up by the phone. He answered, and it was Shari. The next day Greg told his three friends what happened and how it happened. It started to make a little more sense. It was either the camera was evil, or it was broken. Michael and Bird were too scared to go back to the Coffman house, so Greg and Shari went to return the camera. When they got to where it was Spidey confronted them. He told them to sit down “I’ll explain everything. It was a long time ago when I was a scientist my partner created a camera that would cost a fortune. So I stole it from him, but he knew I was going to do this, so he put a curse on it. When I used for the first time I thought it was broken, but it just made it dangerous. So I kept it with me, so it would not be put in the wrong hands, you two know too much, so I me you must keep you in here forever.” Shari and Greg exchanged looks.” You can’t keep us here forever!!’’ they both said in unison. They tried to run away but Spidey was too fast .Then, Greg pushed the camera to take a picture, and Spidey fell to the ground, eyes wide, and motionless. He was dead. When the friends met up the next day they really knew what happened. The camera had killed him, and they put the camera back so no one would find it again

Thursday, May 2, 2013

War part 2 @ my house

The battle was raging on, catapults were being launch, and bonkers being broken. England and the natives were making shore the tomahawks were chopping parts of body's off, and wacting them getting stepped on, but America was not giving up. The cowboys had the double-gun masters staying back so nothing will happen to them. But  tomahawks were marching forward, and they did not look happy at all! a lot of lives lost in this battle, lots of the natives.Then, out of the blue America,with rage, BLASTED all of there catapult ammunition at the tomahawks! They all had no choice but to fall back. Then America went marching forward, also taking advantage of the space that they had taken from the group of the native/England hospital area! All the doctors for them were killed bya catapult! Now America was a step closer to victory.
                                                                             THE END or is it???????????????  

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Oakland and Hollywood

This spring break I went to Oakland and stayed in a Marriott and had a great view of Oakland. In Oakland my dad ran a MARATHON!!!!! I ran the FUN RUN!!!!!!!!! I went to San Francisco to ride on the only moving landmark, the cable car. Then we went to LA and stayed at a hotel in Hollywood! The hotel was called the MONDRIAN. The hotel had the television in a case that was on a swivel and on the other side there was a mirror! There was a couch and 2 beds, and a weird accessory, a hand!!! AHH!!! The hotel was really cool, When we went out we saw the Hollywood sign in the mountains!! It was really cool. The next day we went to Universal Studios Hollywood. My dad and I went on the new Transformer ride with a autobot named Evac!! Then a creepy vampire guy tried to bite me but I am too quick for any vampire,let that be known. The flight back home was really long! (yawn), I had to watch a men's NCAA Championship game!! When we got back we put on pajamas and immediately went to bed.


I give this trip three stars because it was fun and I saw and got on a lot of landmarks



Monday, April 1, 2013

Infinity Ring Series

The series I am reading is called Infinity Ring.This series is about a machine that can travel back in time.Two friends named Dak and Sera mastered this device,this device is called the Infinity Ring.The scienctists that are helping Dak and Sera are called the historians.A company that was made all the back in 336 B.C.,they know that history is broken and they belive that caticliszen is coming.In order to set things right Dak and Sera must travel back in time and fix the breaks in hitory.Riq a yong historyan is going with them to be there guide.The SQ are trying to brak history so they can take over history and current times.A lot of SQ agents are in different areas of the past and trying to stop Dak,Sera and Riq.The first time when Dak's parents tested it Dak couldn't resist going with them.When they arrived in the past they were at the Revolutionary  war.When one of the solders noticed them and attacked them.Then Sera programed the Ring to go back to current times.When they got back to current times Dak's parents were GONE!!!!! Now Dak and Sera are Historians and traveling back in time with  Riq to fix the Breaks in history.

The World is depending on these three Historians

The Infinity Ring,the first time travel device


Friday, August 3, 2012

Saving Jim

Huck is trying to find Jim.He did not have any success so far.He found him with his friend tom.They escaped and got on the canoe and are back on the river.Huck said, "I don't care if people thought it was wrong..." he was determined to get him free.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Huck is in a play with the king and duke.The play's name is Romio and Juliet.They are trying to get money.The king was very happy was now calm.They are on the steam boat on the river.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Huckulberry finn

Huck is on the river with other people.They are in the middle of a storm.Huck is staying up on watch if anything happens. It was morning,and they moved the raft into the bushes.